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Selectmen's Minutes 11/06/2006

November 6, 2006

PRESENT:  Selectmen Emma Smith, Steven White, William Roach, Richard Leone and Frederick Gallup.  Town Manager Donna Nashawaty.

OTHERS:  Shaun Carroll, Arlene Adams, Fire Chief Dan Ruggles, Police Chief David Cahill, Carolyn Dube of the Argus Champion and Carolyn Stoddard of the Intertown.

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Emma Smith at 7:00 PM.


There were no comments from those in attendance.


A.  School Board

Shaun Carroll and Arlene Adams of the Sunapee School Board were present to speak with the Selectmen regarding the School Board’s meetings with the Budget Advisory Committee.  They explained that they were hopeful this year for an amicable relationship with the BAC, but only one member of the BAC, Arthur Muller, was in attendance at the past meetings.  All members of the BAC have been getting the budget packets for the meetings, but only one member is attending.  They are concerned that the members not attending will not be prepared to make good judgment on the budget requests as they have not been present for the public presentations at meetings.  They don’t understand how the absent members can render a decision without being there.   S. Carroll and A. Adams stated that the School Board is facing some overwhelming items in the budget, such as a major increase in special education, the elementary school building and the technical budget.   They asked the Boards advice on what they should do.  Steve White asked how many meetings the School board has had with the BAC.  S. Carroll replied that three have been held.  S. White explained Mike Snow’s position and the reason he was absent.  S. Carroll and A. Adams stated that they understood the circumstances with M. Snow and asked the Selectmen to speak with the other members beside Arthur Muller.  D. Leone stated that the Selectmen need to support the School Board as they are facing state and federal mandates that they need to address.  He added that the School Board is faced with a lot of issues that residents don’t understand.  D. Leone suggested that the BAC be put on hold and let Arthur Muller be the advisor.  Special education is a huge problem this year as the school went from no special education to 8 this year.  Fred Gallup asked why Sunapee was getting hit so hard with special education.  S. Carroll and A. Adams stated that they felt it was the quality of the education that can be received.  A.
Board of Selectmen
November 6, 2006

Adams also stated that the school is reimbursed from the state in the form of catastrophic aid, but this aid isn’t received until the next year  so it doesn’t help with the present budget.  These funds when received go back into the school’s general fund.  Steve White suggested that the Selectmen sit down with the members of the BAC and tell them to make sure they have a quorum at meetings.  S. Carroll stated that he would like to put off the BAC this year.  He had told Arthur Muller this and he agreed.  D. Leone stated that he felt this was a crisis situation and it is imperative that the Selectmen assist the School Board in this matter.  A. Adams stated that she did not feel the BAC could make informed decisions if they do not participate in the preparation of the budget.  A. Adams furthered stated that the School Board does not have much assistance from the SAU.  A woman has been hired, but only on a part time basis three days a week.  D. Nashawaty asked if the School Board did presentations at their meetings.  A. Adams stated that Mr. Mealey does, but only on items that are over a certain percentage.  Stephen White asked if the School Board had their final budgets yet.  S. Carroll replied that they did not have a bottom line as negotiations are still being held with the teachers regarding salaries.  S. Carroll stated that the BAC is not following the procedures as set by the Board of Selectmen.   Emma Smith stated that the Selectmen are slated to meet with the BAC on Wednesday, Nov. 8.  The Selectmen will discuss attendance with the BAC at this meeting.  William Roach agreed stating that he could understand why the School Board is frustrated.  

B.  Fire Chief Dan Ruggles

Chief Ruggles stated he was present to discuss  disposal of the old ladder truck with the Board, and he asked permission of the Board to trade the ladder truck for a better cutter for the rescue truck.  The department currently has a cutter, but this one is newer and faster.  The value of the cutter is $7,138.00.  The ladder truck is a 1964.  D. Ruggles had it  appraised and was told that the truck is worth anywhere from $1,500 to $3,000.  Stephen White made a motion to give permission to the Fire Chief to trade the 1964 ladder truck worth from $1,500 to $3,000 for the cutter valued at $7,138.  The motion was seconded by Richard Leone.  R. Leone asked if it was hard to get parts for the ladder truck and was the truck being used at this time.  D. Ruggles reported that it was very hard to find parts.  The motor needs repair and it needs new tires.  The truck has not been used and is being stored in a private place at this time.  Fred Gallup expressed concern that the article approving the purchase of another ladder truck stated that proceeds from the sale of the old truck would go toward the purchase price of the new.  Donna Nashawaty noted that there is an article that was approved and authorizes the Selectmen to dispose of property as they see fit, but she will run this by Town Counsel for his opinion.  Stephen White amended his motion to read to give the Fire Chief permission to trade the 1964 ladder truck for the cutter contingent upon approval of Town Counsel.  Richard Leone seconded the amended motion.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

Board of Selectmen
November 6, 2006


Please see the agenda attached to the file copy of these meetings.  


A.  Ordinance for Harbor Parking

A copy of the draft ordinance is attached to the file copy of these minutes.  Police Chief David Cahill was present to discuss the ordinance with the Board.  Donna Nashawaty presented the Selectmen with a map depicting the parking areas in the harbor.  This map is also attached to the file copy of these minutes.  Lots A, B and C are currently 6 hours parking.  Lots D and E are 4 hour parking.  Chief Cahill stated that he would like to see some 2 hour parking at the harbor if the Selectmen wish to see a turn over in patrons.  He feels that patrons who plan on staying in the area for a while will park in the 4 and 6 hour lots.   Chief Cahill would like to see Lots E and D on Chart 1 as 2 hour parking, Lots A and C, 4 hour parking and Lot B 6 hour parking.  D. Nashawaty stated that she would still request that the Riverway limit their parking time to 2 hours.  These hours will be enforced from Memorial Day to Columbus Day.  They will not apply to winter parking.  Chief Cahill stated he will have an officer enforce these times during the enforcement period by chalking tires.  Fred Gallup asked if there was a restricted parking time on River Street.  D. Nashawaty responded that there was only an overnight restriction.  Chief Cahill asked that there is a time limit of 7 AM to 7 PM.  The Selectmen agreed and D. Nashawaty will add this to the ordinance.  D. Nashawaty asked when the police would tow.  Chief Cahill responded that this may happen after attempts have been made to contact the owner.  Towing will be depending on the circumstances and at the officer’s discretion.  D. Nashawaty will have signs made to show the hours and dates of enforcement.  Chief Cahill stated that he will have a handout for the public next summer explaining the hours and times.  D. Nashawaty asked the Selectmen what they wanted to do about a fine.  At the last Selectmen’s meeting, it was voted to increase the fine from $40.00 to $60.00.  Richard Leone stated that he did not agree with the increase in the fine.  In other communities, parking fines are as little as $5.00.   Chief Cahill stated that fines are also at the discretion of the police officer.  D. Nashawaty suggested that the fine stay at $40.00 and be addressed in the fall of 2007 when the Chief reports to the Board about violations.  Motion was made by Fred Gallup to put the fine back from $60.00 to $40.00 as in the original ordinance.  The motion was seconded by Stephen White.  The vote was 3 in favor and 2 against.  The motion carried.

A public hearing will be held on the parking ordinance on Monday, November 20, 2006 at Town Hall at 7:00 PM.

Board of Selectmen
November 6, 2006

B.  Adoption Cemetery Bylaws and Regulations

The cemetery bylaws and regulations drawn up by Cemetery Trustee, Karl Jonas were reviewed by the Selectmen.  Stephen White stated that K. Jonas did an excellent job on creating these and expressed his appreciation.  All board members agreed.  Motion was made by Stephen White to adopt the Cemetery Bylaws and Regulations as prepared by Karl Jonas.  The motion was seconded by Richard Leone.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

C.  Recreation Committee

No action needed to be taken as Charles Weinstein was appointed at a previous meeting.


Emma Smith reported that the Crowther Chapel Committee has reviewed its membership and terms.    Randy Richards, Betsey Webb and Emma Smith all have terms that will expire in 2007.  E. Smith asked if any other member of the Board of Selectmen would like to take her place on the committee.  Richard Leone stated he would  be will to do this.  E. Smith told him that the committee will not be meeting again until May of 2007.  The meetings are held the first Friday of each month (during the spring, summer and fall) at 8 AM.  Motion was made by Stephen White to appoint Richard Leone to the Crowther Chapel Committee.  The motion was seconded by Fred Gallup.  The vote was 4 in favor and 1 abstained.  

Emma Smith reported that she is still looking for someone to sit on the Budget Advisory Committee.  She has someone who she is fairly sure will do it.  She also has someone who said they would like to be considered for the committee next year. Emma Smith expressed her concern for the School Board.  She stated the Selectmen need to instruct the BAC to follow the guidelines given to them by the Board of Selectmen.  Donna Nashawaty stated that there may be a problem with presentation and communications.

Emma Smith stated that she thought the Master Plan should be part of a meeting agenda at some time so that the Board can discuss what changes may have an impact on Sunapee.

Board of Selectmen
November 6, 2006


A.  Update on Fiber Consortium

Donna Nashawaty reported on the meeting held in Enfield.  Discussion was held on what areas need to be covered and possible financing.   The facilities owned and operated by Burlington Tel-Com were visited.  They may possibly offer other towns to come on board.  This is being investigated at this time.  Grant monies may be available.  The group is discussing two different types of finance structures.

B.  Comcast

Donna Nashawaty and Richard Haines met with a representative of Comcast who bought out Adelphia.  The Town’s contract with Adelphia (now Comcast) is up at the end of December.  Sunapee had a 15 year contract with Adelphia.  D. Nashawaty and R. Haines gave the Comcast representative a list of things they would like to see for Sunapee.

C.  LGC Conference

Donna Nashawaty reported that she will not be in the office next Wed., Thurs., and Fri. because she is attending the Local Government Conference in Manchester.  The Towns of Sunapee, Newbury and New London will do a presentation on Tri-Town assessing at the conference.
D.  Reverse 911 Meeting

Donna Nashawaty reported that she and members of the Water and Sewer Department attended a Reverse 911 meeting in New London.  The meeting was being held due to a septage spill that occurred at the Georges Mills pumping station.  Discussion was held on software that would immediately notify the towns should an emergency such as the spill occur again.  The cost of the software is about $27,000.  There are other uses for this type of software and these are being investigated.

E.  Zoning Amendments

Donna Nashawaty reported to the Selectmen that the Zoning Board of Adjustment presented the Planning Board with amendments they proposed be made to the Zoning Regulations.  Roger Landry, Zoning Administrator reported to her that the majority of those amendments were disapproved by the Planning Board.   The ZBA is concerned that the Planning Board disapproved of the amendments as some of those proposed would make enforcement easier and less confusing.  One of the amendments would have done away with applicants having to get permission from the ZBA to cross wetlands.  Property
Board of Selectmen
November 6, 2006

owners already have to get permission from the State Wetlands Bureau and from the local Conservation Commission.  It is unnecessary repetitive action to make them come before the ZBA.  The repeal of  Special Exceptions was also not allowed by the Planning Board.  D. Nashawaty presented the Selectmen with copies of the proposed amendments and asked the Board to review them.  

Donna Nashawaty also informed the Board that she received a call from Peggy Chalmers, Chairman of the Planning Board,  asking if there may be $1,000 in the budget that the Planning Board could use toward the review of the Master Plan.   The Planning Board will present the Selectmen with a proposed article for the warrant for 2007 which will ask for funding for the review.  The Board agreed that this request will be addressed closer to the end of the year when the budget can be reviewed to see if the funds are available.

Donna Nashawaty told the Selectmen she will place discussion of the Master Plan on the next meeting agenda.

The meeting adjourned at 10:00 PM.

Submitted by,  Darlene Morse                    Approved_____________________

Emma Smith, Chairman                            Stephen W. White

William Roach                                   Richard Leone

Frederick Gallup